FIELD TEST ADMINISTRATION SYSTEM USER'S GUIDE Rev. 06/13/91 _________________________________________________________________ Contents _________________________________ * Introduction The Field Test Administration System Purpose of this guide * Overview: How the System Works User requirements Requesting a test Communicating with Fieldtest ADMIN * Taking a Test: Basic Instructions Step 1: Replyform Step 2: Answer the questions Step 3: Exit and mail or close * Taking a Test: Additional Information How to read over your test in the Outtray How to edit or answer your test in the Outtray * Special Instructions for AdvanceMail and NewWaveMail Users * Questions and answers * Troubleshooting Blank screen appears when you try to take the test Test questions will not print "Text:" prompt appears when you try to take the test You pressed [Delete Rec] by mistake You pressed [Collect] by mistake * Messages "Can't write the batch record." "Enter letter A, B, or C ...." "Enter one of these: SR, SE, MGR, OTHER." "Required field is empty." "Sorry, you cannot perform that action...." "There are no previous batch records." "There are no more batch records." "This is a FORMS PACKAGE. To display the form ...." "This item is a forms package. I cannot print out ...." "You cannot REPLYFORM to this message ...." ***************************************************************** INTRODUCTION ***************************************************************** _________________________________________________________________ THE FIELD TEST ADMINISTRATION SYSTEM Testing is a critical element of the 4-level training model now being used for field training. The Field Test Administration system fully automates the delivery, scoring, and reporting of results for these courses. In the system, everything takes place over HPDesk. There are four basic steps to the testing process: 1. The student sends a message to "Fieldtest ADMIN" (the HPDesk name used for the system). The course number of the desired test is used as the subject of the message. 2. The system selects a test for the course and sends it to the student. The test is sent as an HPDesk Forms Package that provides a formatted screen to display the test questions and accept the student's answers. 3. The student completes the test and mails it back over HPDesk for scoring. 4. The system scores the test and updates a comprehensive testing database. The marked test and score are sent back to the student for feedback. Essential features of the system include: * All processing -- sending tests, scoring tests, and reporting scores -- is automated through custom programs. Generally, this means next-day response to requests or completed tests. * All activity is initiated by the test-taker. It is a "pull" system. Tests are only sent upon request. * The standard for successful completion is a test score of 80% or above. Those who score less than 80% are expected to retake the test. * A student may take the test for any given course up to three times. The system sends a different version of the test each time. * Test scores are reported to field management in monthly summary reports. Periodic reports are also provided to the course developers. * All requests are logged. The system permits a student to have only one version of a test at a time. If a student submits a second request for the same test, the request is rejected. * Tests are accepted only from the person to whom the test was originally sent. If the system cannot find a record of having sent out the test to the person who is sending it back, the test is rejected as an "alien." _________________________________________________________________ PURPOSE OF THIS GUIDE This guide provides detailed information about how to use the Field Test Administration system (Fieldtest ADMIN). Basic instructions are provided with each test sent by the system. Therefore, this guide is primarily for those who feel most comfortable with detailed instructions and for those who support test-takers. ***************************************************************** OVERVIEW: HOW THE SYSTEM WORKS ***************************************************************** The Field Test Administration system uses a special HPDesk node called "Fieldtest ADMIN." All test requests and completed tests are sent to this node. _________________________________________________________________ USER REQUIREMENTS Users must be on HPDesk. The system uses programs that are part of HPDesk and reside on the HP 3000. To take tests, therefore, users must be running HPDesk on an HP 3000. ADVANCEMAIL is not supported for TAKING a test. Requests may be placed using AdvanceMail, but the test must be taken on HPDesk, directly. UNIX mail systems are not supported at all. The system uses specific HPDesk programs not available on UNIX systems. Requests CANNOT be submitted from UNIX e-mail because the system uses the name from the HPDesk logon to identify students. _________________________________________________________________ REQUESTING A TEST Instructions for requesting a test are included in all student workbooks. The same procedure is always followed, for all courses: send a message to Fieldtest ADMIN using the course number as the subject of the message. Intray > send Subject: SR000 TO: Fieldtest ADMIN Text: // MESSAGE > mail Note: * The subject is the course number only. Do not include any spaces, other words, or punctuation. * Do not type anything in the body of the message. It will not be read anyway. * One request per message. If you need tests for more than one course, send multiple requests. * The system responds ONLY to the SENDER of the message. It does not look at the distribution list. Each person must request their own test. _________________________________________________________________ COMMUNICATING WITH FIELDTEST ADMIN To send a question or comment to Fieldtest ADMIN, use "remark" as the subject of the message. Only messages with the subject "remark" are read by the system administrator. ***************************************************************** TAKING A TEST: BASIC INSTRUCTIONS ***************************************************************** Taking a test involves three basic steps: 1. REPLYFORM to the test message from the Intray prompt of HPDesk 2. Answer the questions as they are displayed on your screen 3. EXIT and MAIL the completed test back over HPDesk for processing _________________________________________________________________ STEP 1: REPLYFORM The REPLYFORM command tells HPDesk to prepare a reply to a Forms Package (in this case, to the test). HPDesk creates the reply message and copies the test package into the reply. It then displays the test for you to fill in. At the Intray prompt, type the command REPLYFORM and the number of the test message in your Intray. Intray > REPLYFORM n <-- substitute the message number For example, if the test were message 13 in your Intray, you would type: Intray > REPLYFORM 13 You will see the following messages from HPDesk: Replying to: SRxxx_TEST_x TO: Fieldtest ADMIN / HP5050 Then, HPDesk will display the first screen for you to fill in. Please note: * Start from the Intray prompt. Do not open the test message first. * The command is REPLYFORM, not REPLY. * You will be working on a COPY of the test package. The original test stays in the Intray, unchanged. _________________________________________________________________ STEP 2: ANSWER THE QUESTIONS Basic Rules ________________________________ While you are in the test package itself, the following basic instructions apply: * Press [Enter Key] (F1) to save whatever you have typed in the screen. Softkey (F1) should be labeled [Enter Key]. On the Vectra ES/QS/RS you may also use the [Enter] key at the extreme right of the keyboard next to the number pad. * Press [Next Rec] (F2) to go to the following screen. [Next Rec] does NOT save your input. You must use [Enter Key] to save. * Press [Prev Rec] (F3) to go back to the preceding screen. [Prev Rec] does NOT save your input. You must use [Enter Key] to save. * Press [Tab] and [Shift-Tab] to move from field to field on the same screen. Only the first screen has more than one field. * NEVER press [Delete Rec] (F5). This permanently removes the screen from your test; you will not be able to get back to it. * NEVER press [Collect] (F6). This tells the form entry program to switch from browsing through the file to adding new records on to the end of the test package. (You can't do this anyway!) The word "Browse" should always be blinking at the bottom right corner of the screen. * You can ALWAYS START OVER! Simply [Exit] and DELETE the reply. The original test message is still in the Intray, unchanged. Identification Screen ________________________________ The first screen you see when you take a test is a form for identifying yourself and your manager. Name Spell your first and last names exactly as they are spelled on HPDesk. Upper/lower case does not matter; the system will convert to all upper case anyway. If you use a middle initial or middle name, include it in the field for first name. In the "last name" field, put only the part of your name that appears in all UPPER CASE in HPDesk. For example: __(first name)______ _____(last name)_____ [JOSE HERNANDES ][SANCHEZ ] Employee Number This field accepts only numerals 0 through 9 and blank spaces. Simply type in your employee number. The system will add any necessary leading zeros to fill out the field. Job Title Enter one of the following: SR Sales Rep SE Systems Engineer (also used for AEs) MGR Manager OTHER Everyone else Your Manager Spell first and last names exactly as they appear in HPDesk. Include any middle initial or name in the field for first name. When are you taking this test? Indicate your reason for taking this test. PRETEST You are trying to "test out" of the course POSTTEST You have taken the course and are trying to demonstrate mastery. RETEST You took the course and tried the test but did not get a passing score. You are taking the test over again. Test Questions / Evaluation Items _________________________________ The test questions will be displayed one at a time. Type your answer in the blank, then press [Enter Key] to save your answer and move to the next question. * You may leave an answer blank, but it will be scored as wrong. Therefore, you should answer all questions. There is no penalty for guessing. * You may use [Prev Rec] to back up. You may change an answer simply by retyping it. Remember to press [Enter Key] to save any answer you change. Use [Next Rec] to return to where you left off. Following the test questions are a few course evaluation items, which you answer the same way. Your responses are very important because they help course developers improve your training. Obviously, there is no "right" answer to these items. When you have pressed [Enter Key] for the last item in the package, you will see the message "No more batch records" at the bottom of the screen. This is normal. If you are done, [Exit]. _________________________________________________________________ STEP 3: EXIT AND MAIL OR CLOSE After you press the [Exit] key (F8) to leave the Forms Package, you will see the following message and prompt from HPDesk: The Reply is now ready to be MAILed. Reply > Either MAIL or CLOSE the Reply (your test). MAIL If you are COMPLETELY FINISHED with your test, MAIL the package back for scoring: Reply > mail ********************************************* NEVER SEND YOUR TEST WITH 'URGENT' PRIORITY. IT WILL NOT SPEED ANYTHING UP BUT IT WILL INCREASE STRESS ON THE HPDESK NETWORK ********************************************* CLOSE If you are NOT COMPLETELY FINISHED with your test, CLOSE the Reply. Your reply package will move to the Outtray, and you may continue work on it there. See the instructions in "Taking the Test: Additional Information." Reply > close NOTE: When you are done, delete the original test message from your Intray in order to conserve HPDesk disk space. Your complete test will be returned after it is scored. ***************************************************************** TAKING A TEST: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ***************************************************************** If you CLOSE your reply package, it moves to the Outtray (like all other HPDesk messages). This section tells how to work with it there. The basic rule in the Outtray is this: You must OPEN the reply message before you can do anything. _________________________________________________________________ HOW TO READ OVER YOUR TEST IN THE OUTTRAY | These instructions are for reading your test only. | If you want to read AND EDIT your answers, skip to | the next section. To read over your test, you must first open the message. Outtray > open n <-- use the message number for "n" You will discover that the message has two parts: Item Type Subject 1 DISTRIBUTION LIST DISTRIBUTION 2 FORM PACKAGE SRxxx_TEST_x At the Reply prompt, READ the Form Package: REPLY N > READ 2 HPDesk will display the test. Use [Prev Rec] and [Next Rec] to move from screen to screen. NOTE: You cannot change anything. Nothing you type will be saved, even if you press [Enter Key]. When you are done, press [Exit], then either MAIL or CLOSE again. _________________________________________________________________ HOW TO EDIT OR ANSWER YOUR TEST IN THE OUTTRAY | These instructions are for editing your test answers. | If you only want to read over your answers, go to the | previous section. To edit your test or continue after an interruption, you must first open the message. Outtray > open n <-- use the message number for "n" You will discover that the message has two parts: Item Type Subject 1 DISTRIBUTION LIST DISTRIBUTION 2 FORM PACKAGE SRxxx_TEST_x At the Reply prompt, EDIT the Form Package: REPLY N > EDIT 2 HPDesk will display the test. Use [Prev Rec] and [Next Rec] to move from screen to screen. Be sure to press [Enter Key] to save any answers you change! When you are done, press [Exit], then either MAIL or CLOSE again. ***************************************************************** SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR ADVANCEMAIL AND NEWWAVEMAIL USERS ***************************************************************** ************************************************************** * IMPORTANT: Do steps 1-4 the same day you get this test. * * Otherwise HPDesk maintenace may clear the test * * from your Waste Basket, making these procedures * * impossible. * ************************************************************** The test is an HPDesk Forms Package. It requires specific HPDesk programs that reside only on the HP 3000. Therefore, you MUST LOG ON DIRECTLY to the HP 3000. 1. Log on to the HP 3000 and to HPDesk. 2. Go to the Filing Cabinet and open the Waste Basket. 3. Find the test message and open it. You should see 3 items: 1 DISTRIBUTION LIST DISTRIBUTION 2 TEXT instructions 3 FORM PACKAGE SRxxx_TEST_x 4. Send the Form Package to Fieldtest ADMIN: MESSAGE nn > send 3 to Fieldtest ADMIN / HP5050 When HPDesk is done copying, CLOSE the message you just created. HPDesk will move it to the Outtray. You will take the test there. FORM MESSAGE > close 5. Go to the Outtray. OPEN the message to Fieldtest ADMIN. You will see 2 items: 1 DISTRIBUTION LIST DISTRIBUTION 2 FORM PACKAGE SRxxx_TEST_x To take the test, EDIT the Form Package: FORM MESSAGE nn > edit 2 Do not open the Form Package! 6. When you EXIT the test, you will be returned to the HPDesk message prompt. If you are done, MAIL it; if you are not done, CLOSE it: FORM MESSAGE nn > close Your test will remain in the Outtray until you MAIL it. Outtray > mail n ("n" is the message number) ***************************************************************** QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS ***************************************************************** What is a Forms Package anyway? A Forms Package is a standard, but little-known, HPDesk item. It consists of a form (a formatted screen with fields for you to type) and a data file (where your responses go). The REPLYFORM command enables you to reply to a message that includes a Forms Package. When you use REPLYFORM, HPDesk automatically runs a program that displays the form and lets you fill it in. Can I change an answer? Sure. Just go back to that screen and type in a new answer. Just remember to press the [Enter Key] to save the new answer. Can I have my secretary order tests for me? No. The system uses the SENDER of the message as identification, and will accept tests back only from the same person it sent the test to. Do I have to complete the entire test at once, or can I stop and continue later? You can stop. If you're not finished, simply CLOSE your test reply rather than MAIL it. The test will move to the Outtray (like all other HPDesk messages), and you can continue work on it there. Should I send my requests or tests 'urgent'? No. It doesn't speed anything up. The system runs on a fixed schedule. Sending messages with urgent priority only stresses the HPDesk network. What if I use UNIX mail? You will have to use HPDesk to request and take tests. The system uses your name from the SENDER of the message, and it uses specific HPDesk programs for taking the test. Can I print the test questions? No. HPDesk cannot print forms. You must work on-line. Why do I have to be on HPDesk? Specific HPDesk programs are required to work with Forms Packages. These programs reside only on the HP 3000 and are called by HPDesk. Is my manager going to find out my score? Yes. Your test scores are included in a summary report to your manager at the end of each month. What if I think my test has been scored incorrectly? Send a message to Fieldtest ADMIN using "REMARK" as the subject. Describe the problem. Remarks are always read by the system administrator and referred to the test owner for a reply, if the remark concerns the content of the test. My workbook came with an answer sheet. Should I use the answer sheet or answer in HPDesk? Answer in HPDesk. The paper answer sheets were needed while the automated system was being developed and tested. If I don't pass the test, will the retest be sent to me automatically? No. You must send in another test request. Do it exactly as you did the first time: send a message to Fieldtest ADMIN with the course number as the subject. The system checks all requests against the database and will send you a different version. Can I use a copy of a test sent to someone else, rather than request my own? No. The system tracks WHO it sends tests to and WHICH VERSION it sends. It only accepts back what it has sent out. Does everybody get the same test? No. There are three different versions of each test on the system. The first time you request a test, the system picks a version randomly. If you request the same test again, the system randomly picks a version you haven't seen. ***************************************************************** TROUBLESHOOTING ***************************************************************** BLANK SCREEN APPEARS WHEN YOU TRY TO TAKE THE TEST. You probably typed "REPLY" instead of "REPLYFORM." HPDesk is expecting you to create a message in screen mode. Delete the reply and start over with the REPLYFORM command. TEST QUESTIONS WILL NOT PRINT. This is normal. HPDesk cannot print Forms Packages. You must work on-line. "Text:" PROMPT APPEARS WHEN YOU TRY TO TAKE THE TEST. You probably typed "REPLY" instead of "REPLYFORM." The "Text:" prompt means that HPDesk is expecting you to create a message in line mode. Delete the reply and start over with the REPLYFORM command. YOU PRESSED [Delete Rec] BY MISTAKE. You will not be able to access the question deleted. Delete the reply and start over. There is no other recovery! YOU PRESSED [Collect] BY MISTAKE. If you did this, the message line will flash "Mode: Collect." Press [Browse] and use [Prev Rec] to find where you left off. OR, press [Exit] and start over. ***************************************************************** MESSAGES ***************************************************************** NOTE: While you are working inside the Forms Package, messages appear at the bottom of the screen. "Can't write the batch record. (FSERR 0)" The system is trying to add on to the end of the test file but cannot do so because the limit has been reached. If you see this message, you have probably gotten into "Collect" mode by accidentally pressing (F6). Check the lower right corner of your screen. If the word "Collect" is flashing, press [Browse] (F6) to get back to "Browse" mode. You will automatically be positioned at the very last item in the test. Use [Prev Rec] to get back where you left off. Or, you can [Exit], delete this reply, and start all over again. "Enter letter A, B, or C to show when you are taking this test." (First screen of test) This is a required field. Type a letter to show your purpose for taking the test. "Enter one of these: SR, SE, MGR, OTHER." (First screen of test) Job Title is a required field that accepts only four different answers. This message appears if you enter a job title that is not one of those listed in the message. "Required field is empty." (First screen of test) All the fields on this screen must be filled -- you cannot leave the field blank. If you leave any of these fields blank, the empty fields are highlighted and this message appears. Type your response and press [Enter Key] (F1). "Sorry, you cannot perform that action as you do not have the capability to save the intermediate files used in this action. The Reply is now ready to be MAILed." This message means that there is not enough space in your HP 3000 group for the temporary files required to process Forms Packages. First purge unnecessary files from your group, then try again. For assistance, contact your LOCAL technical support group. "There are no previous batch records." (First screen) Normal. This message just means you are at the beginning of the test file. You will only see this message on the opening screen. "There are no more batch records." Normal. This message just means you are at the end of the test file. You will only see this message after you have pressed [Enter Key] on the last screen. You may [Exit] or use [Prev Rec] to go back to previous screens. "This is a FORMS PACKAGE. To display the form with any associated data you must first open the item, then read the items explicitly." This message appears if you are reading any HPDesk message that includes a Forms Package. This is normal and may be ignored. To answer the test, use the REPLYFORM command from your Intray prompt. "This item is a forms package. I cannot print out forms packages hence it is not possible to give a meaningful print of this particular item." This message appears if you try to print an HPDesk message that includes a Forms Package. This is normal. HPDesk does not print Forms Packages. Therefore, you will not able to print out the test questions. "You cannot REPLYFORM to this message as I cannot find the forms file." This message means that the Intray message does not have the expected contents and structure. This should not happen if the test was sent from Fieldtest ADMIN. If you did receive the test directly from Fieldtest ADMIN, contact Fieldtest ADMIN with a REMARK message. If someone else sent the test to you, delete it and send your own request. The testing system will only process incoming tests that it has sent out, and you'll be wasting your time with an "alien" test.